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Shorinji Kempo Techniques Pdf Download [NEW]

3 terminology ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, ku, ju shugo row up! seirets straight line! sensei master, teacher ken-shi shorinji kempo students lei salutation naole arms down! count etiquette lenshu-o-hajime-masu salutation from sensei to kensshi onegai-shimasu salutation from kensshi to sensei lenshu owarime-masu salutation from sensei (at end of lesson) arigato goza-imashita thanking for lesson gasho salutation or greeting chiyakuza (tjakza) sit down! (zazen way) me-moku close eyes! chosoku control breating! kiritsu stand up! kesshu hands down (lock thumbs,fold) hai yes! yoi be ready! kamae take position! hajime start! yame stop! tai gamae stances tai sabaki body motion sokui ho foot and leg placement unpo ho foot and leg movement kogi attack techniques bogi defence techniques shuho defence methods kiso zuki (kisjoski) basic techniques kaisoku chudan gamae basic stance (two fists) me-uchi eye whip jodan zuki punch head chudan zuki punch chest gedan zuki punch down kinteki geri kick to groin mae geri chudan front kick to chest uwa-uke defend high (jodan zuki) shita-uke defend middle (chudan zuki) kihon basics happo moku look at opponent! hidari-mae chudan gamae left front,fist hidari-mae ichiji gamae left front,open hand midi-mae chudan gamae right front, fist migi-mae ichiji gamae right front,open hand dai sharin cart wheel mae ukemi roll forwards ushiro ukemi roll backwards seitai gamae stance with partner tai gamae symmetric stance (L/L or R/R) hiraki gamae mirror stance (L/R or R/L) mawashi geri round kick sokuto geri side kick sei-ken fist ura-ken back of fist hira-ken open side of fist sho-ken under side of fist (hammer) shuto under side of open hand (knife) kumade punch with open hand (fingers closed) harai-uke defense with lower arm uchi harai-uke with lower arm and fist yoko juji-uke with two arms crossed shorinji kempo goho hard techniques seiho healing techniques juho soft techniques seiho 1. seikei balancing the central meridians 2. seimyaku balancing the peripheral meridians 3. seikotsu correcting bone positions 4. kappo resuscitation goho 1. tsuki waza strikes 2. uchi waza hammers 3. kiri waza cutting 4. keri waza kicks 5. kari waza reaping 6. fumi waza stamps 7. tai gi body techniques 8. bogi defenses 9. dokko den weapon techniques 10. nyoi den short rod techniques 11. kongo den stick and short staff techniques juho 1. gyaku waza joint reverses 1

shorinji kempo techniques pdf download

5 kyu 5 gakka kyu 5 1. why do you want to study martial arts? why did you choose shorinji kempo instead of another martial art? 2. what do you find the most interesting about shorinji kempo and on which points do you place the most importance in your practice? techniques 1. zazen manner 2. dojo manner, japanese words, etiquette, kiai 3. kiso zuki 4. jyo chu niren zuki sashi-kae-ashi basic 5. jun-geri gyaku-geri niren sashi-kae-ashi, sashi-komiashi 6. jyo-dan sokuto-geri mae juji ashi (right & left) 7. mae-ukemi (right & left) 8. ushiro-ukemi (right & left) 9. dai-sharin (right & left) 10. umpo ho, taisabaki, basic movements 1. jyo-dan jun-zuki uwa-uke sashi kae-ashi 2. chu-dan gyaku-zuki shita-uke, jun-sagari so-tai (pair form) 3. jyo-dan gyaku-zuki uchi-uke jun-sagari (right &left) 4. jyo-dan mawashi-geri yoko-juji-uke jun-sagari (right &left) kihon kyu 3 sokui-ho kaisoku-dachi, heisoku-dachi, gyakuchoji-dachi, kunoji-dachi, kokutsu-dachi, heimadachi, kiba-dachi, fukko-dachi umpo-ho mae chidori-ashi, ushiro chidori-ashi, mae yori-ashi, ushiro yori-ashi, kani-ashi, juji-ashi fujin-ho seitai-gamae, tai-gamae, hiraki-gamae tai-gamae gassho-gamae, byakuren chudan gamae, kesshu-gamae, ichiji-gamae, chudan-gamae, hassogamae, gedan-gamae, fukko-gamae tai-sabaki hiraki-sagari, jun-sagari, yoko-furimi, ryusui, han-tenkan, zen-tenkan, 3-soku hantenshin, sashikae-irimi, chidori-irimi ukemi mae ukemi, ushiro-ukemi, dai-sharin, oten yori oki-agari kogi furiko zuki, jun-zuki, gyaku-zuki, 2-ren zuki, yoko kagi-zuki, urate-uchi, uraken uchi, shutogiri, shuto-uchi, kumade-zuki, gedan-zuki, jungeri, gyaku-geri (keri-age, mawashi-geri,sokuto-geri, kinteki-geri) bogi uwa-uke, uchi-uke, shita-uke, harai-uke, sotouke, 2-rembo, ryusui-uke, furimi-uke shuho kagite-shuho, tsuitate-shuho terminology ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, ku, ju shugo row up! seirets straight line! sensei master, teacher ken-shi shorinji kempo students lei salutation naole arms down! count etiquette lenshu-o-hajime-masu salutation from sensei to kensshi onegai-shimasu salutation from kensshi to sensei lenshu owarime-masu salutation from sensei (at end of lesson) arigato goza-imashita thanking for lesson gasho salutation or greeting chiyakuza (tjakza) sit down! (zazen way) me-moku close eyes! chosoku control breating! kiritsu stand up! kesshu hands down (lock thumbs,fold) hai yes! yoi be ready! kamae take position! hajime start! yame stop! tai gamae stances tai sabaki body motion sokui ho foot and leg placement unpo ho foot and leg movement kogi attack techniques bogi defence techniques shuho defence methods kiso zuki (kisjoski) basic techniques kaisoku chudan gamae basic stance (two fists) me-uchi eye whip jodan zuki punch head chudan zuki punch chest gedan zuki punch down kihon basics 3

6 kinteki geri kick to groin mae geri chudan front kick to chest uwa-uke defend high (jodan zuki) shita-uke defend middle (chudan zuki) happo moku look at opponent! hidari-mae chudan gamae left front,fist hidari-mae ichiji gamae left front,open hand midi-mae chudan gamae right front, fist migi-mae ichiji gamae right front,open hand dai sharin cart wheel mae ukemi roll forwards ushiro ukemi roll backwards seitai gamae stance with partner tai gamae symmetric stance (L/L or R/R) hiraki gamae mirror stance (L/R or R/L) mawashi geri round kick sokuto geri side kick sei-ken fist ura-ken back of fist hira-ken open side of fist sho-ken under side of fist (hammer) shuto under side of open hand (knife) kumade punch with open hand (fingers closed) harai-uke defense with lower arm uchi harai-uke with lower arm and fist yoko juji-uke with two arms crossed shorinji kempo goho hard techniques seiho healing techniques juho soft techniques seiho 1. seikei balancing the central meridians 2. seimyaku balancing the peripheral meridians 3. seikotsu correcting bone positions 4. kappo resuscitation goho 1. tsuki waza strikes 2. uchi waza hammers 3. kiri waza cutting 4. keri waza kicks 5. kari waza reaping 6. fumi waza stamps 7. tai gi body techniques 8. bogi defenses 9. dokko den weapon techniques 10. nyoi den short rod techniques 11. kongo den stick and short staff techniques 1. gyaku waza joint reverses 2. nage waza throws 3. katame waza pins 4. shime waza chokes 5. tori waza arrests 6. o-atsu waza pressure techniques 7. nuki teho hand releases 8. nuki miho escapes 9. bakuho binding methods juho 4

7 kyu 4 gakka kyu 4 1. in each lesson we are reading the philosophy, and each shorinji kempo school places great importance on this. as europeans, what do you think about this philosophy when you read it and how do you relate to it? techniques 1. mae ukemi with jump (right & left) 2. ushiro ukemi with push (right & left) 3. yoko ukemi (right & left) 4. dai sharin (with one hand, one side) 5. umpo, taisabaki, basic movements basic 6. jyo-chu niren zuki gyaku-geri san-ren keri-komi sashi-kae-ashi 7. jyo-dan mawashi-geri ushiro-geri niren, juji-ashi sashi-kae-ashi 8. dan-geri kinteki-mikazuki niren geri fumi-komi ashi, sashi-kae-ashi 9. tobi-komi geri ni-ren kinteki-jyodan jyo-chu-niren zuki (left & right) so-tai (pair form) 1. jyo-dan mawashi geri yoko-juji-uke mawashi gerihanko (left & right) 2. jyo-dan-gyaku zuki jyo-dan mawashi geri niren uwauke nioke jyun-sagari (left & right) 3. sashi-komi-ashi jyun-geri keri-komi uchi-harai-uke chu-dan zuki-hanko jyun-sagari (left & right) 4. ude-juji koshi-nage tachiai-gassho-gatame 5. shita-uke zuki 6. katate kiri nuki uchi kihon kyu 3 sokui-ho kaisoku-dachi, heisoku-dachi, gyakuchoji-dachi, kunoji-dachi, kokutsu-dachi, heimadachi, kiba-dachi, fukko-dachi umpo-ho mae chidori-ashi, ushiro chidori-ashi, mae yori-ashi, ushiro yori-ashi, kani-ashi, juji-ashi fujin-ho seitai-gamae, tai-gamae, hiraki-gamae tai-gamae gassho-gamae, byakuren chudan gamae, kesshu-gamae, ichiji-gamae, chudan-gamae, hassogamae, gedan-gamae, fukko-gamae tai-sabaki hiraki-sagari, jun-sagari, yoko-furimi, ryusui, han-tenkan, zen-tenkan, 3-soku hantenshin, sashikae-irimi, chidori-irimi ukemi mae ukemi, ushiro-ukemi, dai-sharin, oten yori oki-agari kogi furiko zuki, jun-zuki, gyaku-zuki, 2-ren zuki, yoko kagi-zuki, urate-uchi, uraken uchi, shutogiri, shuto-uchi, kumade-zuki, gedan-zuki, jungeri, gyaku-geri (keri-age, mawashi-geri,sokuto-geri, kinteki-geri) bogi uwa-uke, uchi-uke, shita-uke, harai-uke, sotouke, 2-rembo, ryusui-uke, furimi-uke shuho kagite-shuho, tsuitate-shuho hokei nio ken : [kyu 4] ryusui geri, uchi uke zuki, uwa uke geri kongo ken : [kyu 4] ude juji gatame ryuo ken : [kyu 4] kote nuki, yori nuki (katate) ryuka ken : [kyu 4] gyaku gote (mae yubi gatame) kata muna otoshi, eri juji terminology tai gamae stances tai sabaki body motion sokui ho foot and leg placement unpo ho foot and leg movement kogi attack techniques bogi defence techniques shuho defence methods kiso zuki (kisjoski) basic techniques kaisoku chudan gamae basic stance (two fists) me-uchi eye whip jodan zuki punch head chudan zuki punch chest gedan zuki punch down kinteki geri kick to groin mae geri chudan front kick to chest uwa-uke defend high (jodan zuki) shita-uke defend middle (chudan zuki) happo moku look at opponent! hidari-mae chudan gamae left front,fist hidari-mae ichiji gamae left front,open hand midi-mae chudan gamae right front, fist migi-mae ichiji gamae right front,open hand kyu 4 kihon basics 5

9 kyu 3 gakka kyu 3 1. So Doshin s motivation and purpose for founding Shorinji Kempo 2. the meaning of Bu and the essence of Budo 3. the essence of shorinji kempo 4. ken zen ichiniyo (unity of ken and zen) techniques basic 1. kogi furiko zuki, keri age, zenshin jun zuki, gyaku zuki, jo chu ni ren zuki, sashi komi ashi keri age, sashi kae ashi keri age 2. bogi uwa uke, uchi uke, shita uke 3. umpo ho mae chidori ashi, ushiro chidori ashi, kani ashi, juji ashi, kumo ashi 4. ukemi dai sha rin, mae ukemi, ushiro ukemi, oten oki agari 5. tan en tenchi ken 1 (left & right) goho 1. uchi uke zuki 2. shita uke geri 3. uwa uke zuki 4. ryusui geri 5. uwa uke geri juho 1. ude juji tate gassho gatame 2. kote nuki ura ken, chudan zuki 3. gyaku gote mae yubi gatame 4. katate yori nuki 5. ryote yori nuki kumi embu 1. ryusui geri 2. uwa uke geri 3. kote nuki 4. gyaku gote 5. uchi uke zuki 6. shita uke geri kyu 3 7. uwa uke zuki 8. katate yori nuki 9. ryote maki nuki 10. katate okuri gote application 1. goho offense: single straight punches to jodan and chudan ; counter offenses are allowed and both persons can attack. 2. juho offense: grabbing inner or outer wrist of single hand; defense: nuki waza or gyaku waza kihon kyu 3 sokui-ho kaisoku-dachi, heisoku-dachi, gyakuchoji-dachi, kunoji-dachi, kokutsu-dachi, heimadachi, kiba-dachi, fukko-dachi umpo-ho mae chidori-ashi, ushiro chidori-ashi, mae yori-ashi, ushiro yori-ashi, kani-ashi, juji-ashi fujin-ho seitai-gamae, tai-gamae, hiraki-gamae tai-gamae gassho-gamae, byakuren chudan gamae, kesshu-gamae, ichiji-gamae, chudan-gamae, hassogamae, gedan-gamae, fukko-gamae tai-sabaki hiraki-sagari, jun-sagari, yoko-furimi, ryusui, han-tenkan, zen-tenkan, 3-soku hantenshin, sashikae-irimi, chidori-irimi ukemi mae ukemi, ushiro-ukemi, dai-sharin, oten yori oki-agari kogi furiko zuki, jun-zuki, gyaku-zuki, 2-ren zuki, yoko kagi-zuki, urate-uchi, uraken uchi, shutogiri, shuto-uchi, kumade-zuki, gedan-zuki, jungeri, gyaku-geri (keri-age, mawashi-geri,sokuto-geri, kinteki-geri) bogi uwa-uke, uchi-uke, shita-uke, harai-uke, sotouke, 2-rembo, ryusui-uke, furimi-uke shuho kagite-shuho, tsuitate-shuho kamoku 1. ryusui geri (ushiro ryusui) 2. tenshin geri 3. uchi uke zuki 4. uwa uke zuki 5. uwa uke geri 6. shita uke geri 1. kote nuki [uraken, chudan zuki] 2. katate yori nuki 3. katate maki nuki 4. tsuki nuki (soto, uchi) kyu 3 (goho) kyu 3 (juho: nuki waza) 7


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